Published on Simple-Talk (a technical journal and community hub from Redgate)
October 2006 – “Bad CaRMa” in the opinion forum
This is an excerpt from my chapter in the 2004 Apress book “Oracle Insights – Tales Of The Oak Table“.
Sincere thanks to editor Tony Davis for posting this on Simple-Talk.
Huge thanks to the denizens of for noticing the article and generating some REALLY interesting comments afterwards.
More thanks to Chet Justice at OracleNerd for including this article in his Required Reading list.
Published in the Data Center Journal
29-Sep 2014 issue
- Technical article: “Data Virtualization and Greener Data Centers”, discussing the environmental necessity for data virtualization and “data as a service”
Published in the RMOUG SQL>Update Newsletter
RMOUG SQL>Update articles published prior to 2009 are available in hard-copy only. I have reconstituted those shown here from my own email records.
Summer 2003
- President’s column: introducing new board of directors for 2003-2004
Winter 2003
- President’s column: introducing new IS capabilities at RMOUG
Spring 2004
- President’s column: how does one gain skills in Oracle technology?
Summer 2004
- President’s column: follow-up on resources listed in previous column, plus promotion for upcoming TD2004
Winter 2004
- President’s column: discussion about RMOUG’s upcoming non-profit status and initiatives
Summer 2005
- President’s column: wrapup of TD2005
Fall 2010
- Board Focus: autobiographical on career and life
Summer 2011
- President’s column: on the need to expand RMOUG’s mission beyond ongoing professional education to enabling new entrants to the IT industry
Spring 2012
- President’s column: on TD2012 wrap-up, looking forward to TD2013, and introducing new WordPress-based RMOUG website
Summer 2012
- President’s column: on educational initiatives by RMOUG
Fall 2012
- President’s column: on the first Summer Quarterly Educational Workshop (QEW) at Elitch Gardens Theme & Water Park
- Technical article: “Shortest Isn’t Always Fastest” about using EXCHANGE PARTITION to replace large-scale MERGE operations
Winter 2012
- President’s column: promoting upcoming TD2013
Spring 2013
- President’s column: promoting upcoming TD2013
Summer 2013
- President’s column: introducing new board of directors for 2013-2014
Fall 2013
- President’s column: wrapup of Summer 2013 Quarterly Educational Workshop at Elitch Gardens
Winter 2013
- President’s column: promoting upcoming TD2014
Spring 2014
- President’s column: wrapping up TD2014, promoting upcoming Quarterly Educational Workshops through 2014
Summer 2014
- President’s column: summarizing RMOUG events, asking for volunteers
Fall 2014
- Board Focus: autobiographical story leading to Delphix
NoCOUG Journal
May 2006
- “Ask The Oracles” column: “Is 24×7 A Myth?”, technical advice on high availability
November 2012
- Technical article: “Sometimes The Fastest UPDATE Is An INSERT” about using EXCHANGE PARTITION to replace large-scale MERGE operations
August 2014
- Professional article: “Singing the NoCOUG Blues”, career advice
May 2015
- Technical article: “Shortest Isn’t Always Fastest” about using EXCHANGE PARTITION to replace large-scale MERGE operations
IOUG Select Journal
Q1 – 2002
- Technical article: “The Search For Intelligent Life In The Cost-Based Optimizer”, discussing initialization parameters affecting the Oracle CBO in Oracle8i
- Technical article: “Understanding ORA-01555”, discussing the ORA-01555 “snapshot too old” error message and the underlying causes and potential solutions
- Technical article: “Optimizing Performance With STATSPACK”, discussing STATSPACK, how it works, and how it can be used to tune database and application performance
- Technical article: “Understanding Indexes”, discussing the different types of indexes in Oracle, along with the strong and weak points of each, as well as ways to deal with the weak points
- Oracle ACE Interview: discussion about the Oracle ACE program and its impact on me personally