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- Create Date April 17, 2016
- Last Updated April 17, 2016
Presentation "Three Types Of Table Compression"
There are several different types of compression available in the Oracle database for compressing table data, and so the question must arise: which should be used, and when, for which purpose? This presentation will discuss all the different types of table data compression in Oracle database (i.e. basic/advanced de-duplication compression and hybrid-columnar compression), as well as some older often-forgotten techniques for fitting more data into less space. The presentation will begin with a brief review of data compression in general, followed by a review of the formats used for storage in database blocks and rows, the latter supported by block dumps. All of this will be a prelude for an knowledgeable discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of table compression in Oracle.
This is the presentation slidedeck to accompany the white paper of the same title. |